Jan Ploch
Büro für Grafikdesign

Heinrichstraße 29
22769 Hamburg

+49 152 5870 4586

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Jan Ploch is a forward-thinking graphic designer and web developer. Founded in 2015, his studio works across digital and analog media, creating brand identities, websites, books, typefaces and illustrations for a varied client base.

Textsammlung mit Texten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Richard Buckminster Fuller und John Cage.
Textsammlung mit Texten von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Richard Buckminster Fuller und John Cage.




Editorial Design, Typografie

Reader startet as a personal research project, to collect essays in the fields of design, art and philosophy. Each essay consists of a separate booklet. You can read the original text and if required you can unfold the reader and additional information, like comments and notes become visible.